Contact Me

Hello! This is where I slowly realise just how many social media extensions I have and marvel at the fact that I am left with any time to write at all.

This is my Twitter account, place where I reblog things, tweet about drinking tea and watching trashy television. I am here every day. I am here
more often than I would like to admit. When I am not here, I am thinking of witty things I could post in 140 characters or less the next time I am

This is my Tumblr account, where I reblog things and occasionally write up blog posts full of thoughtful, insightful... stuff. It doesn't happen very often. Mostly I'm here about the pretty things. And people.

This is my Dreamwidth, where I put those insightful posts from Tumblr so that they don't get lost in the mass of pretty shiny things. Also home to some of my book reviews and thoughts on polyamoury. There will probably be a bit of overlap between this blog and my Dreamwidth account.

This is my Google+ account, where there are more book reviews, but also a who bunch of comics that I find interesting, awesome or funny in any way. This is also where I post ridiculously cute pictures of my kittens. I have two: Diego Kitten and Ludo-bear Squirrel Adventure-Kitty. Diego is the dignified one. Ludo is not.

This is my Facebook, where I kind of try to keep things a little bit more relevant and to the point. Not a big fan of Facebook, so I don't post here
as much. Certainly there are fewer of the quirkier sides of me to be found here. But all book related news make their way here quicksmart.

And I think that's just about it! If you have read all the way to this point, you are a saint and I hope to see you pop up on one or more of these mediums.

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