Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bi-sexuality in fiction and the NY Times Best Sellers List.

Earlier this year, I saw it retweeted on Twitter, but it was also on Tumblr, and everywhere of interest that yes, indeed, a fantasy novel with a bisexual protagonist had made it up onto the prestigious NY Times Best Sellers List.


That book, of course, was none other than Cassandra Clare's What Really Happened in Peru, first part of the 10 story series, co-authored by Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson and released in e-book format only.

It's now a couple of months later, of course, and subsequent sections of this story have been released, to just as great an amount of acclaim as its debut.

Obviously to me, both as a bisexual woman and someone who writes stories featuring bisexuality, this is terribly exciting news to me! I've commonly written the things I would like to read, and seeing that this feeling must be felt by a larger number than just me is mildly exciting.

I have also been keeping an eye on Lost Girl over the last several years, watching the ratings as Bo's relationship with Lauren was introduced and maintained. Watching and seeing it really is possible to hit a lot of the same narrative points in a relationship between two women as it is between one woman and a man.

And it's something that's slowly being explored more and more often. Which probably means it's something that's going to show up again in this blog.

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